I wrote this poem in 2015. Would I have changed some angsty bits if I wrote it now? For sure. But I’m keeping it as it is. There was Truth in it that I hid from until a few weeks ago. However, that’s a story for next week.
Every year, we’re moving faster
at a speed impossible to catch
every thought.
Where time is of the essence
and reflection is not.
Faster planes, faster cars, faster phones.
We’re constantly stepping up our pace.
After all,
we call it the human race.
And I don’t know about you,
but I don’t want to see the finish line
because we used our time for competition.
We lie to plan for our life’s false security.
Because that’s what it takes to win
and those who don’t partake in the game
we alienate to the point of escape.
And they’ll try to play on, but in their hearts
they know it’s wrong.
Some may succeed,
but some will beg with their palm
that has a message anyone could read.
We lie to plan for our life’s false security.
“Get a job you filthy Vagrant!”
said the man in front of me.
“I work too goddamn hard for my money!”
almost everyone.
The beggar clenched his hand into a fist
crushing the hope inside of it.
Will I help this man today? I thought
because I can do a lot.
I can buy food from across the world in a day.
send pictures in a second.
It takes seconds for me to find the answer
to a question I didn’t need to ask.
I can multitask to the extent
of assimilating ADHD.
I can get love from a pill.
I might need a machine to save my heart.
You see, I can do a lot.
But I can’t seem to reach into my pocket
and change
This homeless man’s day.
It’s hard to find change
when all you have is credit.
I bike past him feeling the same way I woke:
Fait says to help. Fait never lies
but man lies to himself
more than he does to others
because fate doesn't overrule free will.
We lie to plan for our life’s false security.
We idolize the clever
and ignore the truly wise.
Science saves lives by building organs from a single stem.
We can turn a Ken into a Jen and a Jen into a Ken.
We can see the rings around Saturn, and
we know the patterns in our DNA.
You see, we can do a lot.
we’re still blind.
Destitute to our possibility
and that’s because we think we matter
for the universe
we’re just as significant as dung beetles roll of shit.
For each other; however,
we’re everything.
As I walk down the street I see
vacuous pieces of unseasoned meat
competing on society’s conveyer belt.
You see
our egos are a fabrication,
an illusion we created.
The truth is
I still haven’t let go of the thought of me.
And I’m still lying to plan for my life’s false security.
The irony is that when I performed this poem it was quite obvious that my ego was almost as heightened as my nerves. Why did I perform it with such tension and anger? For the same reason, I haven’t truly been myself for the past eight years. I hadn’t found the woman who reflected my soul.
But I’ll get into that next week.
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Great poem, Nolan! I found some great lines and striking imagery in it. To me it reads like: man searching for his true path, resisting society's blueprint. Which is a lifelong work we all must do. And which is angsty, for sure.
Really good poem 👌🏻There are some lines I'm going to save.