Whoa, I am so sorry about the troubles you're having. When you set out on this journey, I never imagined this being part of it. I hope things improve -- and please stay out of Italian prisons, or any other prisons!

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Things have improved a lot! Now, I am staying with my student’s family in Krakow, and it’s been incredible. I’ll likely settle here for a month and then I’m going to their summer home in Gdańsk next month. Plus, this mishaps at the beginning make for a good story.

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I'm happy to hear that. I was a bit worried! And, yeah, the mishaps do make great fodder for a newsletter!

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Great piece. Good to know I'm not that only nomad with IBS. ironically, I find Europe's bathroom situation heaven compared to the US, although I will get used to the rimless toilets.

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I guess the US is quite different from Canada in that aspect. Canada has washrooms everywhere! Which we need because I've also never met people who drink so much water.

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There's always the "strange stories" to make our adventures interesting, but it makes us appreciate the good things more! While backpacking Europe I always end up buying a coffee or an ice cream in a cafe to use the toilet! Ah, those were the days. I wish you more slowness and peace in the coming adventure!

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And very interesting take of all sorts of cultures anxiety, I have to read up more on them! :)

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Thanks, Rachel!

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