The world is a better neighborhood because of your work, Nolan.

Thank you.

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Thank you, brother!

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Have you heard of Jon Morrow the blogger? If not, read about him. Not to say that you need his services but he's such a unique person, as are you.

There is the traveler Nolan who writes such compelling human-interest stories woven into a tapestry of cultural experiences and sometimes irreverent observations and humor. Then, there is Nolan the academician who is equally passionate and has to share his knowledge and earn a living as well. It's difficult for a philosopher and artistic person to sometimes marry the two.

I found Nolan the traveler who captivated my spirit and stroke a note of commonality even though we are night and day in experiences and age.

Jon Morrow is the son of one of my best friends from High School. I only recently learned of his acumen. I knew of his life struggles as a child. His mother and I had lost touch and recently reunited on FB.

More than once after reading your post I've thought of you two connecting.

Melodie Durham

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I haven’t heard of Jon Morrow. I just googled him, but I wasn’t sure which Jon Morrow. Could you send me a link to his work? I would love to connect.

And Melodie, thank you so much for your description of my writing. It feels good to be seen.

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He is on every social media platform. It is his story that is so compelling. Wheel-chair bound since birth and not expected to live his story challenges all to excel. You can find out all about him on many sites. His life isn't narrow but bold and courageous. A philosopher and a teacher like you.

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