(one of the times I got something like an ovation, was when I presented my part of research in my uni-we were team of three but I had gotten the best part-the summary, and I vastly enjoyed tearing apart our own results just in case they could be all explained by different factors, you know. That was real fun-which, I suspect-wouldn't fly as nice in much higher academia, they aim there for publishing and jazz, while we were, well, learning)
I'd be into reading a lengthy response even if you don't have a clear answer… actually, even more so if you don't have a clear answer. Do you have any posts about your Italian, Australian (always Scorpio ;)) identity?
I guess that's the whole point of "where are you from and why" ... Sometimes we don't align with the place we were born in, sometimes we are kicked out, sometimes we call multiple places 'home' and sometimes none. Hence the 'why' portion.
Hey, I'm part of a weird culture!
Interesting stuff 😳😏
Thank you, Brent!
(one of the times I got something like an ovation, was when I presented my part of research in my uni-we were team of three but I had gotten the best part-the summary, and I vastly enjoyed tearing apart our own results just in case they could be all explained by different factors, you know. That was real fun-which, I suspect-wouldn't fly as nice in much higher academia, they aim there for publishing and jazz, while we were, well, learning)
In a job application I was asked what culture/s I identified with. I still don't know how to answer that.
I'd be into reading a lengthy response even if you don't have a clear answer… actually, even more so if you don't have a clear answer. Do you have any posts about your Italian, Australian (always Scorpio ;)) identity?
I guess that's the whole point of "where are you from and why" ... Sometimes we don't align with the place we were born in, sometimes we are kicked out, sometimes we call multiple places 'home' and sometimes none. Hence the 'why' portion.
Culture is a way of life, the way we react to situations…there can be a culture of being passive, a culture of violence.
I think many think of culture as the arts & history and food, etc.
It includes all of this and more…doesn’t it?
It sure does!