
The Hunt for the Best Carajillo in Spain

Morning Drinking In Spain

I know many of you prefer writing to video. Yet, I’ve always had a multidisciplinary approach to discourse and creative outlets. Call me a content creator if you want (although I’d rather you didn’t). Even before Substack attracted podcasts and videos, I had already posted my videos and articles. I didn’t have the time to keep it going, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn't have burned out if I started my travel series in 2024 instead of 2022.

I love writing, performing, interviewing people, and travelling. However, I loathe selecting short content, transcribing, posting material on various platforms, and all the shit Substack does for us now.

So, I’m going to post a few of my old videos and use Substack’s new features to see if it makes a difference.

Born Without Borders is a reader-supported publication. Paid subscriptions and sharing keep this publication alive.

This is the show for nomads, expats, immigrants, third-culture kids, and anyone else who feels inescapably foreign.

In this episode, we’re doing something very Spanish: morning drinking.

Specifically, we’re on a mission to find the best carajillo—that mix of coffee and booze that gets the Valencian mornings going. I decided to start in my own neighborhood, El Grao de Castellón? Unlike most guiris (white-ass foreigners) who live by the beach, I stick to the side of town where even some locals are afraid to go.

Along the way, we sampling bocadillos de sepia and cremaets. We also accidentally end up with a stranger’s empty pack of cigarettes, debate the proper way to make a carajillo, and, of course, argue about the superiority of paella Valenciana.


More articles & videos about Spain